EFCC probes Odili over corruption

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission has confirmed that it is investigating Governor Peter Odili of Rivers State over allegation of corruption.

Its Director of Operations, Mr. Ibrahim Lamorde, exclusively told Sunday Punch during a Walk it organised to mark the world international day against corruption on Saturday.

He stated that the investigation of the governor came on the heels of a report of the Saharareporters based in New York in the United States.

Part of the report described as questionable an alleged payment of the sum of N2 billion to a little known consultant company, Rockson Engineering Company Limited with CAC registration number (RC380929).

It alleged that the company, which was registered on May 16, 2000 floated an airline (name withheld).

�In a release letter dated November 21,2000, Dr. Odili caused a bank (names withheld) to deposit the sum of N2 billion into the accounts of Rockson Engineering barely six months after the company was incorporated,� the report said.

Also contained in the report is a breakdown of 7 different accounts operated by the Rivers State government, alleging that �the account opening documentation showed weak compliance with Section 3 ML (P) Act 2003.

It alleged that none of the accounts had evidence of identification provided by the account signatories.

Lamorde, however, declined comments on how far the commission had gone in the investigation.

He said, �It is too early to comment on the matter because the investigation has just started. As soon as it is concluded and we have a proven evidence of corruption against the governor, we will call a press conference.�

He added that the commission would make sure that INEC screened out all that the commission had proven evidence of corruption against among the contestants for the 2007 elections.

He urged Nigerians to develop the courage to abhor and say no to corruption.

Meanwhile, the EFCC is still keeping the officials of the Enugu State government who were arrested two weeks ago on allegations of corruption, in spite of the ruling of a Federal High Court in Enugu on Wednesday, December 6, 2006, which ordered their immediate release.

Lamorde told Sunday Punch that the commission had not received any official order to release the detained officials. �As I am talking to you, no written order has been received by the commission. We will not release them until we get an official order to do so,� he disclosed.

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